Vitenskapelige metoder er allsidige og må være relevante til tilnærminger som benyttes: Naturvitenskapelige metoder er ofte lite egnet innen psykologi og psykoterapi, som krever egne forskningsdesign.
At noe ikke er såkalt ‘vitenskapelig’ dokumentert er heller ikke synonymt med manglende effekt. Nye tilnærminger utvikles, erfares og justeres. Forskning tar tid, erfaringer må systematiseres, forskningsmidler må foreligge.
Det finnes en god del internasjonal forskning rundt kunstterapi og annen psykoterapeutisk behandling og dets effekt. Her er noen av dem.
I.N.Pedersen. Forskning rundt bruk av musikkterapi i psykiatrien. Aalborg Universitet, Danmark
The effect of creative psychological interventions on psychological outcomes for adult cancer patients: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials
The clinical and cost effectiveness of group art therapy for people with non-psychotic mental health disorders: a systematic review and cost-effectiveness analysis
The effectiveness of art therapy in the treatment of traumatized adults: a systematic review on art therapy and trauma
Art therapy as an adjuvant treatment for depression in elderly women: a randomized controlled trial Conclusion: Art therapy as an adjunctive treatment for MDD in the elderly can improve depressive and anxiety symptoms.
Creative art therapy for mental illness
Art therapy is associated with sustained improvement in cognitive function in the elderly with mild neurocognitive disorder: findings from a pilot randomized controlled trial for art therapy and music reminiscence activity versus usual care
The Effectiveness of Art Therapy: Does ut Work?
Trauma-Focused Art Therapy in the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Pilot Study
Integrative systematic review of psychodrama psychotherapy research: Trends and methodological implications. US National Library of Medicine. National Institutes of Health.